lunes, 1 de junio de 2020

Motivational Monday

¡Hola chicas y chicos!

Hoy damos la bienvenida a Junio 👋Ya estamos a mitad del año ⏳ Es un buen momento para reflexionar 🤔🤔sobre nuestras metas 🥅 y aspiracaciones 📈

Grab a notebook 📓 and answer these questions:
  • Write down 1 act of kindness 🤗: 
  • Best thing this year 🙌:
  • 1 thing you have learned 🤓:
  • 1 thing you would like to learn 🎓:
  • 1 thing you are looking forward to 🙋:
  • 1 thing you are grateful for 💙:
  • 1 thing you have achieved 💪:
  • 1 thing you would like to achieve 🌟:
Now how about setting yourself a 30 day challenge? Here are some examples in case you need inspiration:
  • read a page/chapter a day 📚
  • go for a walk/bike ride every day 🚲
  • meditate for 3-5 mins every day (download headspace app) 🤔
  • write down 1 thing you are grateful/happy about every day 🙏
  • do 1 act of kindness every day 👐
Stay safe and hopefully this will all be over soon 🌈

Señorita Varela.

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During this Easter break do the Spanish challenges and enjoy with your family. You just need to click the links and take a photo or a vid...