lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020

Extension work

Who's up for a challenge with fit feminist support? Sign up today ...

If you finish the work before the end of the lesson...🙋

👍Make sure that you check for the EXTENSION. 

The teachers will keep track of your work and progress and it will help us decide who will get to go on the rewards trips.😇

Be a top 10 student on Quizlet

Hola estudiantes, feliz Lunes😃

To make sure that you are learning all the vocabulary at home from the lessons, test yourself on Quizlet. There is a test from each lesson.

🙌The top 10 students in each group will be posted on the blog each week.
😎Your score will improve your chance of being picked for Thorpe park. 

Thorpe Park - Parque de atracciones -

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

Google classroom :)

¡Hola estudiantes de COLASP, Ya es jueves! 😄

We all know that you are working very hard from home using all the resources online. Remember to email us if you have a question. We are here to help you.

Hope you are all okay and your families too. 💙💪

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020

Spanish word of the week!

This week's palabra de la semana is picante (adj.). Tell a Spanish teacher its meaning for a merit!

Spanish verb of the week!

This week's verb of the week is comer 'to eat.'

Spanish root of the week!

-ty = -dad  
Lots of merits and a queue jump for students who bring Ms Hudson the most Spanish words ending -dad. There are lots so we are expecting una lista larga!

-TY is the equivalent of -DAD in Spanish. Get thinking of English words ending -ty, change the ty to dad, most of the time it will work!

Students of the week

These students achieved the highest scores on Quizlet 💻


During this Easter break do the Spanish challenges and enjoy with your family. You just need to click the links and take a photo or a vid...